Sleek Spoon Set
Nº parcela |
Valor da Parcela |
1 | 1x de R$ à vista |
2 | 2x de R$ sem juros |
3 | 3x de R$ sem juros |
4 | 4x de R$ sem juros |
5 | 5x de R$ |
6 | 6x de R$ |
7 | 7x de R$ |
8 | 8x de R$ |
9 | 9x de R$ |
10 | 10x de R$ |
11 | 11x de R$ |
12 | 12x de R$ |
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30 Days Warranty
7 days for exchanges and returns
Introducing the Sleek Spoon Set - perfect for gift-giving occasions like opening ceremonies, employee benefits, awards ceremonies, and anniversary celebrations.
Made of high-quality stainless steel, this set includes 12 pieces, including a main knife, main fork, main spoon, tsp, dessert knife, dessert fork, tea fork, butter knife, fruit fork, soup shell, coffee spoon, and round spoon.
You can also choose from the 5-piece gold and silver options, each including a main knife, main fork, main spoon, tsp, and tea fork.
Make a statement with the silver set, featuring the main knife, main fork, main spoon, teaspoon, and tea fork.
Choose your preferred set and elevate your dining experience today!